Bookclub Posters
Posters Dedicated to Nonfiction Books
         The design problem for this project was to create four posters advertising a book club that would be reading four nonfiction books throughout an entire year. Each poster was intended to be created while keeping the four different methods of combining imagery and type in mind. These methods include separation, fusion, fragmentation, and inversion.
         For the Up From Slavery poster, I used separation. Separation is a way of combining imagery and type that keeps the two aspects separate from each other. For the Farewell to Manzanar poster, I used fusion. Fusion is a method of combining imagery and type in a way that they have a shared surface or texture. For The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks poster, I used fragmentation. Fragmentation is a way of combining imagery and type that makes them begin to coexist with, and interrupt, each other. For the Coming of Age in Mississippi poster, I used inversion. Inversion is a method of combining imagery and type in a way that the two aspects begin trading places.
Poster Mockups
Poster Mockups
Bookclub Posters